Two Wolves is the second episode of the first season of Dune: Prophecy. It premiered on November 24, 2024 on HBO and MAX. It was written by Elizabeth Padden and Kor Adana and directed by John Cameron.
After receiving word about events on Salusa Secundus, Valya brings Theodosia to the Imperial House to help manage the situation. Meanwhile, Desmond makes a confession to Emperor Corrino, Tula reluctantly enlists Lila for a vital mission, and distrust swirls around Keiran Atreides, the sword master for House Corrino.
A ship lands. Nazir steps out.
Tula thanks the Suk school for allowing Nazir to come on such short notice. Nazir finishes examining Kasha's body and covers it with a sheet. It's been a long time since Nazir studied there, but she's still a Sister first. Tula found no evidence of an accelerant, which Nazir says is because the heat came from within. She had an acute imbalance in her meridian network. Nazir asks if Tula saw any changes before this happened. Tula says she had a nightmare that terrified her. She knew something was coming. Tula wishes she'd listened to her. Nazir offers to continue on her own if it's too difficult for Tula. Tula says she needs answers.
Jen wonders how something like this could happen. Emeline says the founding Sisters were all willing to die to follow Raquella's footsteps. Theodosia doesn't think it's a coincidence that the Emperor's Truthsayer was killed right before the wedding. It was an assassination. Lila asks if she thinks someone attacked Kasha. Theodosia just suggests keeping their guards up.
Tula goes to Valya and tells her the initial exam was inconclusive. Nazir is running more tests, but they'll take time. Valya tells Tula she's going to Salusa Secundus. She got word that Pruwet Richese died the same way as Kasha. Valya thinks this is the Burning Truth that Mother Raquella spoke of. She has to secure Ynez. With Kasha gone, someone has to fill the void and protect their plans. Tula says she can take care of things while Valya is gone, but realizes quickly that Valya doesn't think she can do it. Valya says she'll have to make hard choices and emotions get in the way of that. Tula says she's never shied away from hard choices, but this one involves Lila. Valya says she needs to connect with her ancestors. Tula says Lila hasn't had the training, but they've never seen a force like this and they don't know how to fight it. Tula can't accept it because she raised Lila, even though Lila isn't hers. She can give them the answers they need. They need to understand how the Prophecy unfolds. It's dangerous, but Tula can lead her through safely. She's done it before. Valya hands over control to Tula. Tula says this will jeopardize more than just Lila's life. There are secrets they've worked hard to protect at stake, about the two of them, Francesca, and Kasha. Valya says it's a risk they'll have to take.
Valya asks Theodosia for a word and tells Theodosia she's going to Salusa Secundus and wants Theodosia to come with her. Theodosia asks if Valya is aware of her circumstances. Valya is, but the situation is dire. They're leaving immediately.
Lila looks up and sees Tula watching her.
Ferdinand asks where Javicco is. Natalya says he regrets that he couldn't be there to offer his condolences in person. Ferdinand finds that convenient. He forces Natalya to look at Pruwet's body. He doesn't believe a toy did it. Natalya understands his anger, but says he knows the risks of thinking machines. They're unpredictable, so Pruwet never should have had one. Ferdinand cautions her against saying that it's his fault because there's a fleet of fighters that are still under his control. Natalya tells him that accidents happen and they're all in shock over this one. As Ferdinand leaves, Shannon and Constantine look at each other.
Javicco says tragedy seems to follow Desmond. First, his men on Arrakis and now a death just as he's arrived at the palace. Desmond doesn't consider that a tragedy. Javicco doesn't have to hide his feelings with Desmond. He made his feelings about Pruwet clear. Javicco back tracks, saying he was only expressing a private concern. He didn't tell Desmond to kill Pruwet, but Desmond knows he wanted that. He did this for Javicco and he can do it again. Javicco says no and calls for the guards to arrest Desmond and take him to the suspensor cells. He sees Keiran and tells him to make sure word doesn't get out.
Keiran oversees Desmond being imprisoned in the suspensor cells.
Tula asks Lila if she knows why they separate infants from their mothers when a Sister gives birth. Lila says it prevents bonds that might come before the Sisterhood, so everyone is equal. Tula tells Lila that with her last breath, Raquella prophesied Tiran-Arafel, a force that could destroy them. They believe that's here, that someone is trying to undermine their power. Lila realizes that's what killed Kasha and asks what she can do. Tula says they need her to talk to Mother Raquella because they think she'll know how to fight it. Lila realizes she's related to Raquella. Tula says she's Raquella's great-great-granddaughter. If she unlocks her genetic memory, she might be able to access Raquella and get more detail from her. Lila says it takes years to train for the agony. Lila's just started her training. Tula says it's a great wish, but she has a natural aptitude. Tula believes she can do it, but it must be her choice.
Constantine and Shannon have sex. She's heard a lot about his prowess and wondered if it was true. She could use more convincing. Constantine picks her up and tosses her onto the bed, then kisses up her body. They continue having sex until Constantine proves himself. Constantine asks her about her grief and she admits she barely knew Pruwet. Their father kept them on different planets and hers was remote. Still, what was done to him seemed especially cruel. She doesn't think her family will ever make peace with it. Constantine says the timing was unfortunate. He asks if he should make a break for it, if Ferdinand will try to seize the throne since he can't marry into it. Shannon says the throne is meaningless. The real power is in whoever controls the desert planet. The Great Houses, the Spacing Guild, and the Sisterhood all know that. What matters is the orange dust. Constantine tells her that Desmond, whom they have in custody, is from Arrakis. Javicco thinks Constantine doesn't pay attention, but he saw Keiran taking him to the cells. Shannon asks if it's about Pruwet, but instead of answering, Constantine just asks what Ferdinand plans to do with the fleet. Shannon says her father doesn't confide in her. She climbs into his lap.
Javicco tells Natalya that Desmond killed Pruwet. Desmond was swallowed by a sandworm and somehow survived. The worm gave him a gift, a power. Ferdinand will think Javicco gave the order to kill Pruwet if he hears about this. Kasha didn't trust Desmond, but she wasn't there when Javicco needed her most. Natalya tells Javicco to calm down, that they can handle this. Pruwet's death was unnatural. Desmond might have value to them as they defend themselves.
Lila asks if Emeline meant what she said about sacrificing herself to be a martyr. Emeline says after the war, her family was on the ground with Reina Butler in the Battle of Corrin. They knew they wouldn't survive, so they bought time for the fleets to come in and end the machines. Human life is sacred, so the greatest honor is giving it. In death, they'll be reunited with their foremothers. The dead aren't really gone. Lila wishes she were so sure. Jen watches this exchange.
Avila finds Tula preparing the Rossak poison. She asks if it's for one of their acolytes to undergo the Agony. She tells Avila to tell Valya that Lila will make her own decision and she can't control everything, no matter how many spies she sends. Avila says Tula can't leave the fate of the Imperium in the hands of one child, but Tula wants Lila to choose for herself. It's not just Lila's life, but everyone in the Sisterhood.
Valya tells Theodosia she's about to meet the most powerful people in the Imperium and they all have their own agendas. Only one of those is her mission. Theodosia knows she means Ynez. She needs to make herself Ynez's confidant. Valya didn't tell the royal family they were coming so they could catch them unprepared. While Theodosia does that, Valya will be resolving the Richese situation.
Ferdinand demands to see the man who kill Pruwet. Javicco says he's ordered a full investigation, but Ferdinand knows Javicco has him in custody because Constantine told Shannon. Their contract will be voided if Javicco doesn't hand him over. Javicco doesn't like Ferdinand telling him what to do. His response is interrupted by Valya arriving. She came as soon as she heard the news. She gives her condolences to Orla and Ferdinand. Under Valya's manipulation, Javicco says there's no subject being held in connection to Pruwet's death. Ferdinand promises to take his ships and Javicco's spice production if he's lying while Valya signals to Vera to get the Richeses' out, which she does. Natalya also sends Constantine out. Javicco asks about Kasha and Valya tells him she's dead. In the same way Pruwet died. She wants to question the suspect. Javicco says again that there is no suspect. Valya's sure he has good intentions, but she knows he's holding someone, who might be responsible for Kasha's death as well as Pruwet. Javicco says he'll deal with it, but Natalya encourages him to hand Desmond over to Valya. He says Valya can interrogate him.
Ynez hyperventilates when she hears about Kasha's death. Valya tells her to remember her practice and helps her calm down. She tells Ynez that Kasha was proud of her and told them about her accomplishments. Ynez still wants to go away and study with them. Valya wants that as well, but she has to consult Javicco. In the meantime, Theodosia will care for her. There were supposed to be dormmates and might still be. Valya leaves them alone and Theodosia offers to tell Ynez whatever she wants to know. Ynez just wants to know how Kasha died.
Valya goes to see Desmond. She asks who he is and he says he's a soldier, but she knows he's more than that. He says he's from Balut. A harsh world for a child. She advises him not to play games with him because she's win. He says he has nothing to hide, but doesn't think she and her sisters can say the same. She asks if he killed Pruwet and he says he did. But he feels it was justice. Valya sees Javicco and Natalya watching and asks if he killed Kasha. Desmond says she was unworthy to stand with Javicco. She was corrupt. He sees something similar in Valya. Valya touches him and asks what he meant by seeing. He says Shai-Halud took his eye and granted him a gift to see even what Valya can't. Natalya asks who he serves and he says the Imperium. Valya says he speaks the truth as he sees it, but his claims are lies. Desmond maintains that Kasha wasn't good for Javicco. Valya reminds Javicco that Desmond is a murderer. Natalya and Javicco have heard enough. They have a lot to consider. Valya doesn't think that's true and lays out Desmond's crimes. Javicco wants Valya to explain how Desmond killed Kasha and Pruwet at the same time. Until she has proof, she must keep it to herself. He orders Desmond returned to suspension.
Valya tells Vera to get Ferdinand in hand. Vera says her counsel has limits, especially in circumstances like these. Valya doesn't care how she does it, but he needs to be brought to heel. Vera asks about Desmond. Valya doesn't know yet, but his goal is clearly to get close to the throne. They can't afford to lose the fleet. Javicco needs to be reminded of the Sisterhood's value. She'll speak with him later. First, she has to meet with a contact in Zimia.
Jen asks Lila about being descended from the founder. Lila tells Jen about the threat to the sisterhood. They need Raquella to clarify her version to help them fight it. She knows she can be the link and she owes them so much. Jen thinks they're using Lila. They don't care about her. They only care about the Order as a whole. Lila cares about the Order, too. It's her home and her family. She believes in the mission. Jen says it's hard to have a mission when you're in debt.
Keiran uses a scanner to scan a room.
Horace goes to Mikaela, who gives him the proceeds from the Arrakis haul, minus what her spice smugglers took off the top. They straighten up when Keiran comes in. He shows Horace that while everyone was distracted with the funeral, he got the full layout of the palace, including the throne room. Horaces pulls up the scans. They just need one more thing and they can strike against Javicco. Keiran asks if now's the right time. Mikaela thinks he's gotten too comfortable at the palace. Keiran says his allegiance is to the rebellion because the Great Houses are hoarding spice and forcing people to turn to violence just to survive. They can only stop it by spilling blood. They need to act in a way that can't be ignored. They go to get a drink. Mikaela tells Keiran she doesn't trust him because she saw him with Ynez.
Lila says she used to pretend Tula was her mother while growing up in the Sisterhood. Tula pretended as well. That's why she gave Lila her most precious keepsake. She wishes Lila had known her mother. Tula knew her, but she died giving birth. Lila thinks her mother should be there in her other memory. Tula can't predict which voices will come. Tula can't lie and say she'll see her mother. If Lila can't do it, they'll find other options.
Valya is happy to see Sister Mikaela, but wishes it were under better circumstances. Mikaela couldn't believe it when she heard Kasha died. She idolized Kasha. She helps Valya keep the power balance. Valya congratulates her on the harvest attack. Now Valya needs the names of all the rebels involved in the raids on Arrakis. She needs to burn the whole unit to assuage Javicco's fears. His weakness isn't an advantage anymore. Mikaela says she can start with Keiran, their spy in the palace. Valya is surprised to hear he's an Atreides, but it's not an issue.
Keiran finds Ynez training. He compliments her work. It's not something he taught her and she says it came from Kasha to prepare her to enter the school. Keiran asks if she wants to talk about it and she tells him she doesn't. Instead, they spar. Ynez finally admits she keeps seeing Kasha and Pruwet. When she was Pruwet's age, her father face a rebellion on one of the far planets. Keiran remembers. They were one world, on a moon. Some of them came into the palace one night and stole Ynez from her bed. Constantine couldn't stop them, so he told them to take him, too. Keiran's never heard about this before, which Ynez attributes to her parents not wanting to look weak to the other Great Houses. They covered it up and she and Constantine never speak about it. It was politics. They're all just pieces on the board played in the pursuit of power and spice. They kiss, but she pulls away and says they can't. It was one thing when she was about to leave the planet. He agrees it would be bad for both of them.
Natalya goes to see Desmond and asks if he's a prophet. He says he doesn't know. He can do things, beautiful, terrible things. Natalya thinks he should use his gift so it doesn't get taken away. She tells him Ferdinand is taking back his fleet and is threatening to seize Arrakis. Delivering Desmond to him would solve all their problems. Desmond says he's still a soldier, at her mercy and command. He can show her how he would humble those who try to take from her or sway her with corrupt counsel.
Tula says Raquella was poisoned and to survive, she used her body's chemistry to transmute the toxins on a cellular level, which awakened something deeper, the voices of her ancestors. They all spoke to her. It's time for Lila to awaken those who came before her. It's an Agony, but it'll only be once. When she finds herself in darkness, she should seek the light. She needs not to let her foremothers sway her. All that matters is the light. It'll lead her back to life. She'll emerge Reverend Mother. Tula finds Lila's pulse in her wrist and warns her there's no antidote to the poison. She tells her to still her breath and focus her mind to unlock her other memory. She needs to let Tula's voice guide her and breathe. With Avila nearby and Jen and Emeline watching from above, she drips the poison into Lila's eye. Lila screams in agony. Tula coaches Lila to breathe so she can break down the poison to molecules.
Lila sits up in an empty room. She hears whispering in the distance. Then there are flashes and many women appear around her. She screams as they grab at her. She ends up with just one hovering over her.
Tula and Avila hear Lila say Raquella. Speaking through Lila, Raquella says the key to the reckoning is one born twice: once in blood and once in spice. Tula asks who that is. Raquella says a revenant full of scars, a weapon born of war, on a path too short. Tula asks how they fight it. Lila starts to cry out again.
Emeline says they walk together, hand in hand, with only one light to guide them.
Lila hears what she thinks is her mother and the woman asks if that's what they told her to get her to come. She says she's sorry, but Lila's mother isn't there. But she's been waiting for Lila. It's Dorotea, who grabs Lila by her throat. Lila sees Valya using The Voice to get Dorotea to kill herself.
Lila flops back onto the bed and Dorotea speaks to Tula through her, saying she stole Dorotea's future. Now she'll take Tula's hope. Tula tells Lila to follow her voice and get out of there.
Lila is mobbed by her foremothers who pile on top of her while Tula begs her to get out of there.
Lila drops her keepsake and her head falls to the side. Tula holds her face and cries, begging her to come back.
Javicco says he knows how it feels to lose a child. There's no worse pain. But he can't ignore Ferdinand going back on their deal. Ferdinand says Javicco is weak. He can't silence Ferdinand, who plans to pull Javicco from the throne and feed him to the wolves. Javicco nods to Desmond, who walks into the room. Ferdinand realizes who he is just as Desmond starts using his power against Ferdinand. Orla begs for it to stop. When Javicco nods, Desmond stops. Javicco tells Ferdinand to go home, bury his son, and never tell anyone what happened there.
Desmond comes to see Valya, who sees that the sands have shifted while she was gone. She wants to speak with Javicco. She has news about the rebel threat. Desmond says House Corrino no longer requires her services and her privileges at the palace have been revoked. Valya is shocked that he thinks he can replace her. She asks what he wants. He says he wants what's best for the Imperium. That means wiping any trace of her and her Sisters from their worlds. Valya says she runs a school for young women. They're not a threat. Desmond knows that's not true. Valya uses The Voice to command him to take out his blade. That works, but when she tells him to drive it into his throat, he doesn't. He pulls it away and puts it back. He always wondered what Valya's greatest fear would be. Now he's seen it. It's that people will hear her and not care. Valya leaves.
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Dune: Prophecy | ||
Episodes | Season 1 | 1 The Hidden Hand • 2 Two Wolves • 3 Sisterhood Above All • 4 Twice Born • 5 In Blood, Truth • 6 The High-Handed Enemy |
Season 2 | tba | |
Characters | Bene Gesserit | Valya Harkonnen • Tula Harkonnen • Kasha Jinjo • Francesca |
House Corrino | Emperor Javicco • Empress Natalya • Princess Ynez • Constantine | |
others | Desmond Hart • Keiran Atreides • browse more | |
Cast | Emily Watson • Olivia Williams • Jihae • Tabu • Travis Fimmel • Mark Strong • Jodhi May • Sarah-Sofie Boussnina • Josh Heuston • Chris Mason • browse more |
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