The Hidden Hand is the first episode of the first season of Dune: Prophecy. It premiered on November 17, 2024 on HBO and MAX. It was written by Diane Ademu-John and directed by Anna Foerster.
On Wallach IX, young Valya Harkonnen promises Mother Superior Raquella that she'll protect the Sisterhood by putting one of their own on the Imperial Throne. Thirty years later, Valya faces a threat to her long-awaited plan.
Valya Harkonnen tells the story of humans rising up against the thinking machines that had enslaved them. History says an Atreides led them to victory while Valya's great-grandfather deserted the fight. When the war ended and thinking machines were banned, her family were branded as cowards and banished to a desolate world. Everyone in her family was resigned to living in shame. But that version of history came from lies. Valya set out to change that. She broke free from the past and chose a new family with the Sisterhood, made of women unafraid of their power. She met her true mother, the first Mother Superior, Raquella Berto-Anirul. She was a hero during the war, training Sisters to work as Truthsayers. They were assigned to the Great Houses to help them see the truth from lies. They formed a network of influence throughout the Imperium, which Raquella used to govern the future. But those who held power were driven by violence and greed. They needed more than just guidance. They needed transformation. Raquella embarked on a secret project to breed better leaders. She compiled a genetic archive and used it to foster good royal unions to make rulers they could control. Zealots viewed the breeding as heresy, but Raquella knew that Valya shared her vision and would stop at nothing to carry it out. That's why Raquella called for Valya in her final moments.
Wallach IX: Homeworld of the Sisterhood
Raquella asks for Valya. Dorotea holds her hand says she's there, but Raquella wants Valya.
Valya leaves Tula and goes to Raquella. Raquella mutters about red dust and Valya has everyone else sent away. Raquella warns Valya that Tiran-Arafel is coming. Valya puts her hand on Raquella's shoulder and has visions of destruction. Raquella tells Valya to grow them and safeguard their power. The Sisterhood must be strengthened or it will fail. She tells Valya she'll be the one to see the truth and know. Raquella the lies back and dies.
Valya tells Kasha Jinjo, Francesca, and Tula that Raquella warned them about Tiran-Arafel, a judgment brought on by a tyrant. Valya believes one is coming for them and they have to prepare by putting one of theirs on the throne. Tula asks if she means a Sister. Valya confirms she'll be the first Empress to rule the Imperium. It's the only way to ensure their protection.
Raquella's body is prepared for burial.
At Raquella's funeral, Valya tells the Sisters they must carry Raquella's legacy forward and keep pushing the boundaries of what it means to be human. They must continue to use every tool as she taught them. Dorotea steps and says humility is the foundation of their virtues. Some of the Sisters repeat after her and kneel down. Vultures circle overhead.
Valya finds Dorotea settling in. She asks Dorotea what she's doing. Dorotea says it's what should have been done a long time ago. Valya asks why she needs access to the breeding index. Dorotea say she wants to return the Sisterhood to its values. Valya objects, but Dorotea says they're meant to guide the Imperium, not rule it. Valya says they need to create the path and lead others to it. They're the only ones who can. Dorotea says Valya and Tula have thought too highly of themselves since they arrived. Valya thinks Dorotea's risking their destruction to keep her principles pure. Raquella didn't share her beliefs and neither do the others, outside a few zealots. She swore to use every tool she had to save the Sisterhood. Dorotea says she only agreed to avoid fighting with Raquella on her deathbed. She says the breeding index isn't a tool. It's them playing God and they'll be judged for it. She honors her grandmother, but it must be destroyed. Valya begs her not to do it. As Dorotea pulls out her sward, Valya uses The Voice to stop her. She is able to force Dorotea with her new skill. She'll share the new skill with Dorotea if she bends. Dorotea says she'll never bend to Valya. Valya uses the Voice to get Dorotea to take out her sword and stab herself in the throat. Valya picks up the breeding index. Then she tells Tula they need to put the Sisterhood above all.
30 Years Later
116 years after the end of the great machine wars
10,148 years before the birth of Paul Atreides
Valya wears Raquella's ring as she reviews the requests from the Great Houses. She rejects House Harkonnen's request for a truthsayer. She has Avila step out.
Imperial guards enter, startling Theodosia. Farouz says they're there for the princess. Emeline thinks Ynez's new husband must be a catch. They watch the princess's half-brother, Constantine Corrino, enter. He has no claim to the throne. Farouz loves nothing more than a man with great wealth and idle hands. Farouz hopes he'll visit more once Ynez is there and she can be their Truthsayer and Ynez's sister-in-law. Theodosia thinks Ynez is coming there to learn to be her own Truthsayer. A bell rings and they all get up.
Valya tells Constantine they instruct many of the daughters of the Great Houses. She'll be at no risk. Constantine says none of the other daughters is the heir to the Golden Lion Throne. If Ynez will spend the next ten years there, they'll need to take precautions. And she'll need her own quarters. Valya says once Ynez is there, she'll be treated like any other student. The dormitory is comfortable. Constantine says that's not acceptable. He looks at her for a moment and then smiles and says he had to try. They ink the deal.
Tula says lies are humanity's greatest weapon. She shows the acolytes a brain and asks them what the man was. Theodosia and Emeline think he must have been a criminal or a sociopath while Jen thinks he was a survivor. Tula says Jen is correct. Humans rely on lies to survive. They lie to everyone, including themselves. It's a sophisticated task because most of them don't like to lie, so the body rejects it. They talk about the changes in people's bodies when they lie. They're all signs they work to perceive in Truthsaying. Valya interrupts and says it's clear they have a grasp of theory, but application is what distinguishes them. She sends them to get rest. As they file out, Valya tells Tula there's good news. By this time next week, Ynez will be theirs.
Salusa Secundus
Homeworld of the Imperial House
Keiran Atreides and Ynez spar. When they're done, he tells her she nearly had him this time, but she knows he's lying. He helps her stand and tells her to focus on the body instead of the blade. That'll tell her where her opponent is headed. Constantine interrupts them, jokingly demanding that Keiran take his hands off Ynez. Ynez is happy to see him. He tells her he couldn't miss her wedding, even though she's marrying a child. Constantine thinks between the Sisterhood and her training with Keiran, Ynez will become too full of herself. Keiran says Ynez is quite good and will do well for herself on Wallach IX. Ynez asks how the Sisterhood was and Constantine says she'll like it if she likes boring things. Ynez and Keiran show Constantine what they've been working on.
Vera says House Richese is giving House Corrino a newly built fleet of ballista motherships as a wedding gift. Kasha says Emperor Corrino has review the proposal and finds it acceptable. Ferdinand Richese says it'll be an unequaled fleet, unable to by felled by normal obstacles. Javicco Corrino listens as Ferdinand tells him their troubles will be behind them and spice will flow. Ferdinand would like for them to have their own wing in the palace to smooth the transition. When Javicco tries to say no, Ferdinand tells him his issues on Arrakis aren't going away without Ferdinand's ships protecting the harvest from Fremen attacks. As they talk, Vera and Kasha silently communicate with their hands. Vera tells Kasha that Ferdinand is targeting Arrakis to try to sway all the Great Houses. Kasha replies that the wedding is their focus and they can deal with that when it's done. Ferdinand implores Javicco not to let this small detail derail the agreement. Javicco goes to Kasha and says Ferdinand is trying to make a fool of him. After talking to her, she goes back to Ferdinand and says he has a deal. They'll see each other again at the engagement ceremony.
Valya tells the acolytes they need to exert power over themselves before they can be Truthsayers. She walks around as they practice sparring.
Valya tells the acolytes that there are prisoners in front of them. Their task is to demonstrate a rudimentary command of Truthsaying. They all face their prisoners without barriers between them.
The acolytes stand crouched, with their arms out to their sides, in the rain.
Theodosia says her prisoner's words are true, but her intent is to deceive.
Emeline says hers is a liar.
Jen isn't impressed. Valya stops her and says if she thinks it's so simple to deceive, why is she there. Jen says when she was a child, her parents sold her to a man who made his money peddling the flesh of children. She bided her time until he got sloppy with his knives, then slit his throat while he was sleeping. Then she went home and did the same to her parents. She starts laughing at the horrified looks on the others' faces.
Natalya Arat Corrino helps Ynez dress. She puts on the corset Natalya was wearing when she first met Ynez's father, then a stranger to her. The veil was Natalya's mother's. Natalya isn't a fan of Ynez going to the Sisterhood, but Ynez feels they'll teach her essential skills. Natalya also doesn't approve of Ynez's betrothed. Ynez doesn't understand why, as he hears that Pruwet Richese is quite charming. Natalya reminds her that he's nine. Ynez says all the years until he comes of age are Ynez's, to do as she pleases. She'd make him younger if she could. Natalya wants Ynez to be able to rule how she wants and marry how she wants. She knows Ynez likes Keiran, but Ynez insists that she's getting what she wants.
Javicco tells Kasha he's surrounded by vipers and Ferdinand is the worst of all. Kasha says he's not a viper, just a man. Keiran finds them and says there's a soldier there from Arrakis, Desmond Hart. Javicco is shocked that he survived.
Desmond comes to see Javicco. He's an accomplished soldier, surviving twelve tours in Arrakis with multiple commendations. They thought his unit had been wiped out in a Fremen attack. That's why Desmond is there. He's the only one who can tell them the truth. He says the attack wasn't Fremen. They were insurgents from Javicco's own allied worlds. The invading ship collected the spice their harvested ejected. They stole it. Javicco consults with Kasha, who says Desmond's story is true or at least, Desmond believes it is. When Javicco asks why he wasn't informed, Kasha says it was probably an isolated incident. Javicco thinks Desmond must be eager for leave. Desmond would rather find an assignment at the palace, which Javicco is sure they can arrange. In the meantime, he invites Desmond to the party.
Kasha is haunted by visions of Ynez in danger.
Kasha goes to Ynez to say goodbye. When she and the Sisters found Ynez, they had no idea what they would discover. She was a child, held captive for years, but Kasha knew that Ynez would lead their Imperium to a better future. She has to go attend to something, but she'll be back soon.
Javicco tells Natalya that Kasha will miss the engagement ceremony, but will be back for the wedding. He knows Natalya is angry, but doesn't feel like he has any other choice. Their own marriage was arranged. Natalya knows this because she brokered it. She knows they chose such a young boy for Ynez so they'd have years to make her one of their own. Javicco tells Natalya to stop fighting it. The boy comes with resources they desperately need. Natalya is upset that he's not taking her seriously. He used to and the Imperium was stronger for it. Javicco remembers things differently.
Tula says Emeline performed well and it might be nice to pair Ynez with someone outside royal circles. Valya isn't so sure. They're not trying to broaden Ynez's worldview, but to adhere her to their own. Acolyte bonds last a lifetime and she thinks Emeline is a bad influence. Tula suggests Jen then. Valya thinks Jen will go far if she can be tamed. She reminds Tula of Valya, who was never able to be tamed. Valya thinks the princess would like Jen, but she's too much of an independent thinker. They need to pair her with someone they can trust to keep her in line, who won't be under Kasha's influence much longer. Tula realizes she means Theodosia. She has reason to be loyal to them. They took her in when she had nowhere else to go. She's an excellent student. She'll be useful. Tula says Lila is a true empath and her lineage makes her a natural-born Truthsayer. She needs to be nurtured, but Valya says you can't nurture weakness. Tula says she's young, afraid, and in awe of Valya. In time, she'll grow the hard layers Valya thinks she needs, just like Tula did. Valya says what matters most is what's underneath those layers. They look up as things start to shake, indicating the arrival of a ship.
Kasha tells Valya and Tula what she saw. Ynez is strong and Kasha has bonded with her since she was a child. Valya is upset with Kasha for losing faith in the plan, but Kasha thinks the plan might have the opposite effect from what they intended. Valya reminds Kasha that she was the one Raquella asked for when she was dying. She'll see the truth and thinks she knows what Raquella wanted. She suggests that Kasha spend the night and remember her purpose, before returning to Salusa Secondus. They need a Sister on the throne and this marriage makes that possible.
The Imperial cryer announces the House Richese. Pruwet and Ferdinand walk in, followed by Orla and Shannon Richese. Ferdinand presents Pruwet, the future of the Corrino royal line.
Tula wants them to heed Kasha's warning and at least investigate. Tula is upset at Valya's dismissal and realizes she just wants blind obedience. Valya believes she's doing what's best for the Sisterhood. She thinks that Kasha may have gotten too close to Ynez because it's unlike her to abandon her post. That's why Tula wants Valya to look into the match and see if she's really the person they want to put all their hopes into.
Pruwet stands facing Ynez. She says her family calls her Nez and asks what they call him. He says he's Pruwet. She tries to keep talking to him, but he says it's just a formality and they don't actually have to talk to each other. She takes a piece of pomegranate and goes to feed it to him, but he takes it from her hand and feeds himself. He picks up a piece and feeds it to her.
Harrow Harkonnen makes a business proposition to Javicco, who promises to consider it. Harrow tries to continue, but Javicco excuses himself.
Ynez sees Pruwet messing with something in his pocket and asks what he has. He says it's nothing, but she knows he's trying to deceive her. She holds out her hand and he pulls out a ball that transforms into a lizard. It jumps off his hand and runs away before he can grab it. It races around the room, only stopping when Desmond stabs it with a sword. Natalya looks at it and says that technology is forbidden. Ynez puts a protective arm in front of Pruwet and Natalya tells her to step aside. Ferdinand steps forward and says it's just a little toy. Natalya reminds Ferdinand that he only exists because House Corrino defeated thinking machines. Ferdinand doesn't want to let this ruin things. Javicco decides to overlook it. Desmond rolls the toy back to Pruwet, who thanks Ynez for protecting him. Ynez says once they're married, she'll stab him if he pulls anything like that. She demands that he get rid of the toy.
Valya tells Tula their plan holds. She checked the genetic archive and Ynez is the right choice. This match will stabilize the Corrino line for centuries. When all this is over, she thinks Kasha should spend time with them on Wallach IX. Tula reminds her that they need Kasha's influence with Javicco. She can't keep getting rid of people because they disagree. Valya tells Tula she can protect Kasha by getting her back in line.
Emeline tells Jen she's not happy that they've had to go through so much training and Ynez can just stroll in and join them like she was there all along.
Constantine tells Ynez they just passed the Lowers. Ynez says that's not where they're going. They're going to Division, for one last night out together. He snorts some spice and she does the same.
Desmond checks on Javicco, who asks if he thinks a fleet of fighters will be enough to end his troubles on Arrakis. Desmond thinks it will, but there's a growing insurgency in Imperium. Javicco thinks that was an isolated incident, but Desmond says it's part of a bigger issue. His troubles extend beyond Arrakis. More and more people are questioning if they discarded thinking machines too quickly and why only the Great Houses profited from spice. Desmond is surprised Javicco hasn't heard about this. Javicco says Kasha has never led him astray, but he feels this wedding is wrong. But he can't call it off because he'll lose control of Arrakis. Without spice, they'll feed him to the worms. Desmond asks if he believes in forces beyond man and machine. Desmond says the attack should have killed him. He prayed for the strength to feel nothing. Then he was crawling out of the sand and he felt reborn. He was no longer afraid. The gods are listening. Javicco says religion is his wife's refuge. If the gods freed him from the wedding, he'd be a true believer.
Keiran and Ynez enter a club. In there, she spots Keiran and offers to share her drinks with him. The bartender watches as they go away together. In another room, they do semuta together and begin to undress. When Keiran stops Ynez from opening his pants, she reminds him she'll be in another world in two days. He lets her continue.
Jen sees Lila awake at night and asks what's wrong. Lila asks why Jen is there. Her story was a lie, but there's truth behind it. Lila was raised in the Sisterhood. The Reverend Mothers don't always know who their parents are and even if they do, they don't tell them. Jen tells her not to worry. One way or another, the past will find them.
Javicco gets up and pulls up a video of the spice harvester attack.
Pruwet plays with his toy, saying it's okay, because he's here now. Desmond finds him and asks what he's doing out there alone. Pruwet says he couldn't sleep after a bad dream. He doesn't want to talk about it, which Desmond understands. Pruwet says his father believes they've become too strict about things. He asks if Desmond is a real soldier. Desmond says he is, so Pruwet asks why he's there, since there's no war. Desmond says there's a war hidden in plain sight, waged by an enemy that has made themselves indispensable. Pruwet says the machine wars ended ages ago. That's why it's so troubling that they're being controlled again. That's why Desmond has been gifted a great power. Winning a war requires sacrifice. Pruwet's won't be in vain. Pruwet suddenly clutches his stomach and then whimpers as his skin starts to sizzle. He begs for it to stop, but Desmond continues anyway.
Valya is up late when she hears screaming. It wakes Tula and the two of them run toward it. It's Kasha, whose skin is sizzling like Pruwet's.
Desmond leaves Pruwet's body.
Kasha cries out until she succumbs to her injuries and dies. Valya tells her mother that she sees.
Episode Stills[]
Wallach IX - Homeworld of the Sisterhood
Salusa Secundus - Homeworld of the Imperial House
Dune: Prophecy | ||
Episodes | Season 1 | 1 The Hidden Hand • 2 Two Wolves • 3 Sisterhood Above All • 4 Twice Born • 5 In Blood, Truth • 6 The High-Handed Enemy |
Season 2 | tba | |
Characters | Bene Gesserit | Valya Harkonnen • Tula Harkonnen • Kasha Jinjo • Francesca |
House Corrino | Emperor Javicco • Empress Natalya • Princess Ynez • Constantine | |
others | Desmond Hart • Keiran Atreides • browse more | |
Cast | Emily Watson • Olivia Williams • Jihae • Tabu • Travis Fimmel • Mark Strong • Jodhi May • Sarah-Sofie Boussnina • Josh Heuston • Chris Mason • browse more |
External Links[]
Watch The Hidden Hand on Max