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The following stars play host to some of the worlds featured in the Dune novels.

Alpha Carinae

Also known as Canopus. A white super giant, and home to the planet Arrakis. Absolute magnitude -5.53. From Old Earth it was 312.7 light years away.

Alpha Centauri

A binary star system containing Alpha Centauri B (also known as Rigel Kent), an orange main sequence star. Home to the planets Ecaz and Logi. Absolute magnitude of 5.7 (Alpha Centauri B). From Old Earth the system was 4.4 light years away.

Alpha Leporis

A binary star system, housing the star Alpha Leporis A (also known as Arneb or Kuentsing). Home to the planet Bela Tegeuse. Alpha Leporis A had an absolute magnitude of -5.34. From Old Earth the system was 1284.1 light years away.

Beta Lyncis

Also known as Tygri or by the designation HD58661. A small blue star, and home to the planet Ishia. Absolute magnitude of 0.20. From Old Earth it was 410 light years away.

Delta Pavonis

A main sequence yellow giant star, and home to the planets Caladan and Harmonthep. Absolute magnitude of 4.62. From Old Earth it was 19.9 light years away.

Epsilon Eridani

A trinary star system, collectively also called simply Eridani, of which Eridani A (also known as Keid, Rodale, and Alkalurops) was an orange main sequence star. Home to the planets Richese and Ix. Absolute magnitude of 5.92. From Old Earth it was 16.5 light years away.

Epsilon Ophiuchi

Also known as Epsilon Alangue and Yed Posterior. A yellow giant star, and home to the planet Poritrin. Absolute magnitude of 0.64. From Old Earth it was 107.5 light years away.

Gamma Waiping

Also known as Gamma Piscium, or simply Waiping. A yellow giant star, and home to the planet Salusa Secundus. Absolute magnitude of 0.68. From Old Earth it was 130.9 light years away.


A main sequence yellow/white star, and home to the planet Rossak. Absolute magnitude of 5.35. From Old Earth it was 181.2 light years away.


Also known as 36 Ophiuchi. A binary star system of which 36 Ophiuchi B was an orange giant. Home to the planet Giedi Prime. Absolute magnitude of 5.44. From Old Earth it was 19.5 light years away.

Psil Draconis

Also known as Dsiban or Niushe. A white sub-giant star, and home to the planets Grumman and Gamont. Absolute magnitude of 2.85. From Old Earth it was 71.9 light years away.

Sigma Draconis

Also known as Alsafi. A main sequence orange star, and home to the planets Corrin and Ishkal. Absolute magnitude of 5.87. From Old Earth it was 18.8 light years away.


Also known as The Sun or Al-Lat. A main sequence yellow/white star, and home to Old Earth. Absolute magnitude of 4.8.

Theta Eridani A

Also known as Thalim or Acamar. A blue-white giant, and home to a solitary planet, Tleilax. Absolute magnitude of -0.59. From Old Earth it was 161.3 light years away.

Theta Shaowei

The primary star for the planet Hagal. The exact location is debatable, but the star probably relates to Theta Leonis, also known as Chort Al Horatan simply Shaowei. In this case it has an absolute magnitude of -0.36, and is 177.6 light years from Old Earth.

