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Dune Wiki: Expanded portal

Welcome to Dune Wiki's portal dedicated to Expanded Dune!

Expanded Dune is a term used on the Dune Wiki to refer primarily to Dune novels and short stories written by Frank Herbert's son, Brian Herbert, and Kevin J. Anderson. These novels take place around the Butlerian Jihad, the life of Leto Atreides, give details of main character's lives, and also conclude the saga.

These story arcs introduce concepts and objects not seen in the originals, such as Artificial Intelligence, Cymeks and Sorceresses.







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The people welcome me as a conquering hero. I have battled cymeks and I have overthrown thinking machines. But I will not let my legacy stop there. My work is just beginning. - Memoirs on the Liberation of Parmentier

― Quentin Butler



If we allow ourselves to become too human, to admit the weakness of love and compassion at the time when it is most dangerous, then we create a vulnerability by which the thinking machines can destroy us utterly. Yes, human beings have hearts and souls which the demon machines do not, but we cannot allow these things to be the cause of our extinction.

― Letter by Quentin Butler to his son Faykan



The Army of the Jihad can try to prepare for the next scheme of Omnius, but we will always fall behind the thinking machines, for they can develop their evil thoughts with computer speed.

― Quentin Butler,private letters for Wandra



My father was declared a Hero of the Jihad. Even if all other historical records fade into dust, let the human race never forget that fact.

― VICEROY FAYKAN BUTLER, resolution introduced to the League Parliament



If there is no plausible hope for survival, is it better to know that you are doomed, or simply to exist in blissful ignorance until the end?

― military journals



Those who have everything value nothing. Those who have nothing value everything.

― Raquella Berto-Anirul, Assessments of Philosophical Revelations


Machines are neither more nor less than we make them. - Essays from the Edge of Consciousness

― Raquella Berto-Anirul



The deadliest of poisons cannot be analyzed in any laboratory, for they are in the mind.

― Raquella Berto-Anirul - The Biology of the Soul



I sense a myth enfolding me, or is it a true vision? Great things will arise from my Sisters, provided they can be chosen with adequate care.

― Rauqella Berto-Anirul



The Rossak drug is but one path to infinity. There are others-and one, as yet unrevealed, which is greater than all.

― Raquella Berto-Anirul



We cannot move forward without the past. We carry it with us, not as baggage but as a sacred blessing.

― Raquella Berto-Anirul



A man must declare peace within himself before he can find peace in the outside world.

― Koran Sutra



A person's deeds are the measure of his soul

― Koran Sutra

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