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Bi-lal kaifa is a ritual intonation of the Fremen.


It is used similarly to the Christian "Amen!"; in Chakobsa the literal meaning is "nothing further need be explained".

Behind the Scenes[]

Bi-lal kaifa is Arabic, بلا كيف, roughly: 'without asking how' or 'without [knowing] how'. It was a way of resolving theological problems in Islam over apparent contradictions in verses in the Qur'an by accepting without questioning. In Islamic theological discourse, it refers to an ancient dispute on the attributes of God (e.g. face, hand, ...etc.), and how different groups interpreted them. Another was the question of how the Quran could be both the word of God, but never have been created by God because (as many Hadith testified) it has always existed. The traditionalists (e.g. Ahlul Sunnah or Sunni) chose to accept them as is, 'without how'. The rationalists (e.g. Mu'tazili) chose to interpret them allegorically. The phrase Bi-La Kaifa means "without a how". This term is not used often in modern times, except in theological circles. It is amazing that Frank Herbert would be exposed to this term, and make use of it.[1]

Another possible literal definition could be "Any other explanation is useless".
