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Expanded Dune
This article or section refers to elements from Expanded Dune.

Anirul's Throne is a crown-jewelled throne that belonged to Lady Anirul Corrino, the Bene Gesserit wife of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV on Kaitain.

She wanted to have a throne of her own next to her husband's Imperial Golden Lion Throne just like her father-in-law, the aging tyrant, Elrood Corrino IX had one for his second wife, the late Padishah Empress Yvette Hagal-Corino:

It was constructed of the same translucent blue-green Hagal quartz without even first asking or suggesting to Shaddam. As she revealed to him her thought, he promised to consider it, when she surprisingly revealed it to him. Shaddam refused to let it be on the top platform where his throne was and told the two pages to place his wife's seat far below on the left level so that the Empress won't try to manupilate him in public.

After the early dusk of her tragic death on Kaitain due to the birth of the young na-Duke Paul Atreides, Anirul's throne remained there in the Imperial Selamik-- the Imperial Audience Chamber during the night of her mummification and funeral pyre. As for the Emperor's point of view, he left it to his eldest daughter, the eleven-year-old Imperial Crown Princess Irulan I whom he'd selected as the Sovereign Co-regent of the Imperial House Corrino.


  • Dune :House Corrino