As discussed here, we are having early discussions about a Dune Wiki improvement drive!
One of the things we would like to improve is the wiki's citation standards.
Currently, the Dune Wiki does not enforce citations/referencing, which places it behind the standards of most large-scale wikis online today.
If we move forward with this update, it would not change how citations function within the site, but would require that all users include citations for any information entered on the wiki. In most cases, this will simply be the book and chapter where the information can be found (page numbers typically aren't used for wikis since they're not standard across editions).
The biggest task here will not be enforcing this for future edits, but making sure all the content currently on the site can be updated to meet this standard. As such, if the community is onboard with this change, we would ask that anyone who has made recent edits and/or significant contributions to major pages in the past (Paul Atreides, Arrakis, Sandworm, etc) immediately go back and add citations where possible.
If the community is generally in agreement that this is a good standard for the Dune Wiki to aim for, we will have further updates.
Please respond with questions, concerns, or any other thoughts! And feel free to join the discussions we're having on Dune Wiki's Discord!