Hi all!
I'm an editor over on Halopedia, part of the group that's spearheading the Dune Wiki improvement drive! Most of our discussions are taking place on Discord, so I encourage you to join us there if you want to participate in these chats regularly: https://discord.gg/pEadJSM
We wanted to see how the entire community feels about renaming "Dune Wiki" to "Wiki of Dune"?
To be clear, none of us feel there is anything wrong with "Dune Wiki". The idea is to establish an identity that projects a bit of the Dune ethos into the site branding, similar to Wookieepedia, Bulbapedia, Memory Alpha, etc. The name is intended to riff on Dune titles like Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, etc.
Look forward to hearing what everyone thinks!